Thursday, January 13, 2011


For years I had been watching movies in Star Cineplex, and this was the time which I felt the angriest and my consumer rights had been totally abused! Sold my early bird, perfect seating tickets to the other and asked us to sit MANA-MANA SAJA, and the MANA-MANA SAJA were the seats where under normal circumstances, under perfect mental conditions, you will not buy unless you are totally desperate and the cinema is full. Asked for refund and got a reply, "APA HAL TAK REFUND AWAL-AWAL?", and left with empty hands and flame burning. Consumer service, please, for the sake of consumers, please do something, if we have to wait until the new cinemas are ready, I am going to miss my Harry Potter final episode! Please! I am sure these are the voices of the Miri citizens, and I am here to voice it out!
*I have yet to mention how dirty the cinema is, and I am sure a metropolis of rats are living somewhere inside.


Marlene Lo said...

as Shifu's perception lah, we can refund - but should refund earlier too. But i think we truly appreciate the effort of you helping us buy tickets so we really enjoy the scary movie! However, due to too front the scary scene are BIGGER and SCARIER too :| Don't get angry because of them - not worth it :) When i know the people who sit at our seats - are "not complete" people, i told myself - is ok, cause we are more lucky than him. So, forgive them :) Loves your enemy and this drives them crazy :)

MakePromise said...

Haha yea, not our fault la, is the management =S
Have to pray for forgive liao >< hahha the shifu! =)

Marlene Lo said...

one thing i like: you know how to protect yourself and not bullied by other - just we want to be 使人和睦的人有福了,因为......? :D hee hee

I had nightmare due to that movie.. scary :|

MakePromise said...

haha learn from u lo shifu, cos名师出高徒hee hee hee hee!!
Yealo I oso got bit scared when bathing hahaha