Monday, February 27, 2012

Curtin Degree Orientation 2012

Well, dust is piling up, time to do some cleanup! Degree orientation had just over, well loads of stuffs to share, yet not knowing where to start. This is the first time I joined SOAR, and definitely I learned tonnes of experiences! Suddenly, I felt that the old times were all gushing back, in which I was heavily involved in activities, yet balancing between studies as well. It's hard, yet you have to do it, you had signed for it, that's what our leaders told us. It's right, that's what I've chosen, and there's no turning back, or else I am insulting my choice.

What's my character? That's the first question of the first workshop I have attended. I answered, I am a perfectionist. Moments after that, I was like, did I just said that? Oh shit, that's a big responsibility to bear, well I might just as well prove myself I am, instead of I couldn't, right?

Throughout the trainings, well not to say tough, I had faced even tougher ones. Yet, ups and downs were unavoidable. Valuable ones were the experiences gained and the guts to express yourselves. I was shocked as well, I was not sure how I could have done it, and there it was, I have done it. My God must have played an important role, lots of prayers heard, and loads of blessings received!

The orientation was another challenge as well, and the worst we could have expected, a group of introverts. However, thanks to God, it turned out the be the reverse, and the interactions were splendid! They shot questions after questions, and their eagerness pumped me up! Proud of them, proud to be the advisor of Group 3!

Eventually, it das come to an end, and it's time to move on. One more to go, Foundation Orientation students, I am eager to see you guys!





1 comment:

Angelina Tan said...

you sure did a fantastic job in leading the SOAR team during orientation week :D