Friday, July 27, 2012

Clean up should be done! It's been long since I last updated my blog, gotta keep all of you updated. Well, a new semester just started, and I promised myself, not to repeat my mistake! Last semester was a mess, with marginally passed for most subjects. That is not promising, and certainly isn't up to my standards. If it was the old me, well not to say freak out, but I will be deeply depressed. It's amazing, how time changes a person. Now, I tend to be happy-go-lucky, not a bad thing either, but certainly not very good as well! I should have kept the balance.

Life's good, and God's grace is certainly overflowed! Throughout the semester break, I had been working part time, well not to mention what did I do for my part time, but it was a tiring one! Not bad, I had been healthy for the holiday, slept and woke up early, until the semester commenced. Now I realised, how much those working men and women missed their campus life, mentioning that, it's good that you are studying, appreciate that moment as you will so much miss it. Then, I understand how that feels. Monotone and repetitive routine certainly isn't much of my cup of tea. Randomness spelt my name hahahhaha!! How glad was I when I stepped on the campus ground!

Well, I managed to grab a shot, which I think look serene enough to depict the environment in Curtin. Not bad for a university to have such view! Life's go on, and stay tune for more updates from me!


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